Thought to be spiritual guides for love, protection, success and reflection, luna moths are a rare and beautiful sight.
Luna moths only have a few short days to live their adult life. By making your own, every day you’ll have a personal reminder to live life to the fullest. All you need to do is cut out the patterned craft paper from Mindful Puzzles magazine, or use your own square origami or craft paper, and follow the instructions.
1 Begin with your desired pattern face down. Fold the paper in half, edge to edge both ways and unfold. Then fold the bottom edge t the centre and unfold. Fold bottom left and right corners into the bottom crease and fold that bottom edge up. Using the bottom crease.
2 Fold in half, bottom to top.
3 Fold the left and right halves of the bottom edge to meet in the middle crease.
4 Squash-fold each half.
5 Fold up the bottom corner to the middle of the paper. Fold and tuck in the left and right corners that show your less desired pattern.
6 Inside-reverse-fold the indicated corners and turn the paper 180 degrees.
7 Valley-fold and unfold along the inner edges of the wings, then turn the paper over, left to right.
8 Make mountain folds using the creases made in step 7. Move these edges to the middle of the paper at the centre crease line.
9 Turn the paper over, left to right.
10 Inside-reverse-fold the indicated corners to trim the lower end of the abdomen to complete your luna moth.
When you’re done take a cute snap and tag us in your photos. We’d love to see all of your beautiful creations!