Sometimes it pays to be prepared. Having a plan and being able to predict the outcomes can help you determine if an adventure or endeavour is worthwhile. Sometimes though, you just need to wing it. Take a leap of faith and trust in your wings, learning from a spontaneous action is often more impactful than a predicted set of events.
Need some inspiration for your flight of fancy? Cut out your favourite supplied sheet of patterned craft paper in each issue of Mindful Puzzles, or use your own square piece of origami paper to create your own flying bat origami with the instructions below.
1 Trim your craft paper to 210mm x 270mm.
2 Create a crease by folding the paper in half diagonally. Unfold.
3 Make another crease by folding along the other diagonal. Unfold
4 Create a crease by folding the top edge to the bottom edge, then unfold.
5 Fold the middle point of the left and right edges to the middle point of the bottom edge by pinching inwards. Then flatten.
6 Fold the right corner of the upper layer to the left along the dotted line.
7 Fold the bottom corner to the top corner along the dotted line.
8 Fold the left corner as indicated along the dotted line to align with the right-hand edge.
9 Repeat steps 6 to 8 on the left-hand side.
10 Fold the top corner along the dotted line.
11 Fold the corner back along the dotted line. Turn paper over.
12 Make the bat wings by folding along the dotted line, bringing the left-hand corner to align with the right-hand corner.
13 Fold the top layer back along the dotted line. Turn-over.
14 Make the other bat with by folding along the dotted line. Unfold.
15 Fold the outer left and right corners along the dotted lines to the points indicated. Turn paper over.
16 Fold the corners indicated upwards slightly along the dotted lines.
17 Open out the flaps as indicated. The bat paper airplane is done. Hold towards the tapered end of the bat and throw it out as hard as you can.
When you’re done take a cute snap and tag us in your photos. We’d love to see all of your beautiful creations! @mindfulpuzzlesau