How to make a paper origami cicada | Mindful Puzzles

How to make a paper origami cicada

One of the loudest insects in the world, the sounds of cicadas can be heard far and wide, essential to the natural soundtrack of an Australian summer.

Whether you’re listening to their call outside your window or finding their shells clinging to trees, cicadas are synonymous with long warm nights spent with family and friends. To make your own origami cicada, simply cut out the patterned craft paper from Mindful Puzzles magazine, or use your own square origami paper, and follow the instructions.

1 Desired pattern side down and the paper cut into a square, begin by folding the paper diagonally.

2 Bring both bottom corners to the centre, folding to meet in the middle.

3 Fold down the top corners of the first paper layer to create the base of the wings.

4 Three-quarter fold the top of the next layer of paper.

5 Repeat with the second layer, overlapping the first, but leaving a small gap.

6 Quarter fold the top of the cicada to hold the overlapped layers in place.

7 Fold the bottom two corners of the first layer of paper up and outwards to form the cicada wings.

8 Leaving the wings outstretched, mountain fold the sides of the cicada backwards and turn over.

9 Where the back edges meet in the middle, tuck the left edge into the fold on the right and turn over.

10 Finally, pleat fold the bottom of the body three times to complete your origami cicada.

When you’re done take a cute snap and tag us in your photos. We’d love to see all of your beautiful creations!

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