These naturally curious, semiaquatic marine mammals can be found in habitats all over the world, with species that span from the Hawaiian Islands to the Antarctic.
Known to symbolise imagination and creativity, seals are highly intelligent creatures that divide their time between the ocean and the shore. Although they are referred to as ‘the acrobats of the sea’, seals are known to be clumsy on land. Often captured lounging on land or ice, seals spend their time on land in large groups to protect themselves, sometimes in pods of thousands. To make your own origami seal, simply cut out the patterned craft paper and follow the instructions.
1 Desired pattern side down and the paper cut into a square, begin by folding the paper in half and unfolding.
2 Fold both sides inwards to meet at the crease, forming a diamond shape.
3 Turn over to look at the flat side. Folding at the dotted line, bring the pointed end to meet the top of the diamond.
4 Turn over and lift two centre corners up, bringing the outer corners together and carefully collapsing the paper to form another diamond.
5 Fold open the first layer of paper, starting at the bottom point to create another large diamond shape.
6 Fold in half.
7 Once folded, you will see two small triangular flaps on each side of the paper. Half fold the flap to meet the centre crease. Repeat on other side to form the flippers.
8 Lifting the left-hand corner upwards, collapse fold inwards to lift up the main body of your seal.
9 Repeat this collapse fold with the top of the head, folding downwards, and again to bring the point of the head inwards.
10 Fold the end of the body up, behind the main body.
11 Half fold both ends of the flippers upwards to complete your seal.
When you’re done take a cute snap and tag us in your photos. We’d love to see all of your beautiful creations! @mindfulpuzzlesau