Papered grace | Mindful Puzzles

Papered grace

Invite a sense of beauty and calm into your life by making a graceful origami flower.

The lotus flower represents grace, purity and revival across thousand-year-old Eastern cultures.

1 Pattern side down, begin by folding the paper in half, corner to corner, both ways and unfold.

2 Fold all corners to the centre.

3 Fold all corners to the centre again to create second layer.

4 Flip over and rotate 45 degrees.

5 Fold all corners to the centre.

6 Fold the corners out part way to create an 8-pointed star.

7 Flip over.

8 Fold out each corner on this side.

9 Fold out each corner of the next layer to compete your lotus.

When you’re done take a cute snap and tag us in your photos. We’d love to see all of your beautiful creations!

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