There are few things better than cosying up in a comfy chair with your favourite book, no matter what time of the year it is.
The health benefits of reading books
Beyond the immediate entertainment and inspirationof a story, reading has numerous health benefits. People who read are more likely to be open-minded, empathetic and creative, and they also tend to live longer. It can help battle Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, improving memory and brain function. Finding time in busy schedules to sit down and read can be tricky, though. If you’re looking to find more time to read a good book, try our guide to creating a reading routine.
Finding time to read daily
Firstly, spend a day going about your usual weekday routine, and as you go through the motions consider if there’s anywhere in the day when you’re doing something else that could be used for reading instead. Ideally, you want to find a period of available time that occurs consistently each day.
Choosing the right book to read
Now find the book you want to read. Don’t feel like you need to start with something ultra-highbrow or literary. Start with something you think you’ll enjoy. It doesn’t matter if it’s a thriller, a romance, or the Harry Potter series – this is all about getting you into a reading habit and that’s more likely to happen if you start with something you’ll be motivated to pick up each day. And if you start reading something that you just don’t vibe with, pick something else. Life is too short to read books you don’t like.
Looking for some literary inspiration? Check out our Book Round Ups where we’ve thoughtfully curated recommendations and book reviews to help find your new favourite novel.
Set a daily reading goal
During the time you’ve decided is your reading time, set yourself a page count to read. Start as small as you like. After all, you can always keep going when you’ve reached your daily page count! Remember, like with creating any new habit, consistency is key.
This article was originally published under the title The Art of Reading in Issue 36 – The Mindful Quiet. You can purchase previous issues and enjoy more enchanting content here.