Turn off your phone, tune out the noise, and let the quiet sounds of the world wash over you.
It’s not always easy to find a space away from noise or the hustle and bustle of everyday life. But with a little thought, you might discover hushed pools of silence easily within your reach.
Here are our tips to create a quiet space:
Morning commute
Do you drive to work listening to the radio, a podcast, or your favourite playlist? Try turning the sound dial down and driving in
the quiet bubble of your car. Concentrate on your breathing and your thoughts – reflect on what you want to achieve and allow your brain to ease into the business of your day.
A space at home
Having a space in your home in which you can find a respite from noise is an easy way to introduce quiet into your life. It might be
an irregularly-used area like a spare room or office, or perhaps there’s an hour each day where you have the house to yourself.
Either way, devote this time to silence. You can still perform whatever tasks you like, be it cleaning, reading, or solving a puzzle – but enjoy the mindful nature of completing them without aural distractions.
Explore the natural world
Leaving your home and going for a bushwalk can be a healthy and refreshing way not only to exercise but to leave the sounds of the urban sprawl. Take your phone for safety but switch it to silent or airplane mode and avoid taking too many photos or checking on social media. Instead, savour the quiet susurrations of nature.
This article was originally published in Issue 7 – Empowered Women. You can purchase this issue and enjoy more enchanting content here.