Discover uplifting vocabulary | Mindful Puzzles

Discover uplifting vocabulary

Helen Keller once wrote, ‘Words are the mind’s wings, are they not?’. Allow your mind to take flight with some of our favourites.

Abundance [n] : a large quantity

Benevolent [adj] : well-meaning and kind

Bliss [n] : perfect happiness

Empathy [n] : understand another’s feelings

Epiphany [n] : a sudden realisation

Enchanting [adj.] : delightful and charming

Flourishing [adj.] : thriving

Gracious [adj.] : kind and pleasant

Jubilant [adj.] : expressing great happiness

Luminous [adj.] : bright and shining

Mellifl uous [adj.] : a pleasant and fl owing sound

Opulent [adj.]: luxurious

Poise [n] : graceful and elegant

Tranquil [adj.] : calm

Quintessential [adj.] : a perfect or typical example

Serendipity [n] : a pleasant surprise

Wondrous [adj.] : marvellous and wonderful

Unfl appable [adj.] : cool, calm and collected

Zeal [n] : energy and enthusiasm

This article was originally published under the title Words to uplift in Issue 33 – Dream a little dream. You can purchase this issue and enjoy more enchanting content here.

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