Relax your mind (and your shoulders!) with this simple body scan meditation.
A body scan meditation is a great way to check in with how you’re feeling physically, plus it relaxes your mind and calms your spirit. If you have trouble falling asleep, it can also help you there! All you need to do is find a peaceful space and sit or lay in a comfortable position. Then follow our instructions and scan the stress away.
- You can close your eyes or keep them open – although it’s easier to focus with your eyes closed.
- Start with your breathing. Don’t try to change it at first. Just breathe. Then start counting to three while
- you inhale and exhale. Fall into this rhythm of breathing.
- Bring your awareness to the top of your head and the muscles of your face. Relax your eyelids and your jaw. Don’t worry about any expression you might be making.
- Now move down to your neck and shoulders. With each exhale let any tension go.
- Move your attention to your arms and hands. Close up your fingers into a loose fist, stretch them out wide, and then let them fall into their natural position. As you do this, let your arms relax as well.
- How does your back feel? Is it sitting comfortably on the floor? If you need, wiggle your shoulder blades into a comfortable position.
- As you breathe, you can feel the pressure on your back change. You can also feel your chest and stomach rise and fall as you inhale and exhale.
- Now focus on your legs. Do they feel heavy or light? Notice where they touch the floor and whether your knees are straight or bent.
- What about your feet? Wiggle your toes for a moment and then let your feet relax where they are.
- Return to your breathing and thinking about how your entire body feels. Stay here for a few moments and when you feel ready, open your eyes.
This article was originally published under the title Scanning, Scanning in Issue 34 – Secrets of Self-Care. You can purchase this issue and enjoy more enchanting content here.