On the planet Panga, humans once lived with the help of their robots. Eventually, the robots gained self-awareness and longed to stretch their mechanical limbs in nature, fascinated by the idea of a world untouched by human influence. So, en masse, they bid the humans goodbye, retreated into the wilderness, and were never heard from again. For centuries both humans and robots thrived, living their own separate lives. That is until one day, when a robot named Mosscap stumbled upon Dex, a tea monk looking for purpose. A Psalm for the Wild-Built is everything one loves about Hugo Award-winner Becky Chambers’s prose: science fiction built on the foundations of compelling characters, a generous helping of hope, and a peppering of humour. This is a wonderful first novella in a series about purpose, nature, productivity, and identity.
Reviewed by Mindful Puzzles Editorial Assistant, Michaela Hook.